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Origami Folds

Which base is used to make the most popular origami animal model?

1. Fish Base

2. Horse Base

3. Bird Base

4. Waterbomb Base


Bird Base

Origami Folds

What do you call the fold where you fold the paper towards you?

1. Petal Fold

2. Valley Fold

3. Triangle Fold

4. Mountain Fold


Valley Fold

Origami Models

Which model in Origami do they refer to in the legend when they say that a sick person will get well if he/she folds 1000 of a certain origami model?

1. Fish

2. Crane

3. Frog

4. Butterfly



The crane is one of the most famous origami models. Accourding to a legend, it is said that the crane, a sacred bird in Japan, lives for a hundred years, and if a sick person folds 1000 paper cranes, then that person would soon get well.

Origami Techniques

What is the name of the origami technique that involves cutting the paper along predetermined lines?

1. Composite Origami

2. One-fold Origami

3. Kirigami

4. Modular Origami



In kirigami, the paper is cut as well as being folded, resulting in a three-dimensional design that stands away from the page.

Origami Types

What is the name of the origami style that uses multiple sheets of paper to create complex models?

1. Composite Origami

2. One-fold Origami

3. Wet-folding Origami

4. Modular Origami


Modular Origami

In Modular Origami, multiple geometric units made from multiple sheets of paper whose flaps and pockets tuck into each other to form polygons or polyhedra. Usually, all sheets are folded in the same way or in a small number of ways.

Origami Types

What is the name of the origami style that uses wet paper to create more realistic and curved shapes?

1. Composite Origami

2. One-fold Origami

3. Wet-folding Origami

4. Modular Origami



A technique in which the paper contains a water-soluble glue and is dampened slightly before folding. The dampness permits the paper to be folded into soft curves, which then harden in durability as the paper dries.

Origami Techniques

What is the name of the origami technique that involves folding a sheet of paper into a spiral shape, creating a spring-like effect?

1. Twirl Folding

2. Origami Tiling

3. Box-Pleating

4. Sink Folding


Twirl Folding

Origami Models

What is the name of the origami practice that involves folding 1000 paper cranes for good luck or a wish?

1. Zelda

2. Sembazuru

3. Noshi

4. Exoplanet Exploration



The most famous use of origami in marriage is the tradition of the 1000 cranes, known as Sembazuru. The young couple to be wed fold 1000 paper cranes together to decorate their wedding hall. Alternatively, the bride is gifted 1000 cranes by her father. Both practices follow the belief that the cranes grant a wish to whoever holds them.

Origami Folds

What do you call the fold where you fold the paper away from you?

1. Petal Fold

2. Valley Fold

3. Triangle Fold

4. Mountain Fold


Mountain Fold

Origami Applications

How can origami be used in education?

1. To teach students about the history of paper folding

2. To help students learn about geometric concepts and formulas

3. To teach students about the cultural significance of origami

4. To help students develop their artistic skills


To help students learn about geometric concepts and formulas

Origami has been found to strengthen an understanding of geometric concepts, formulas, and labels, making them come alive. By labeling an origami structure with length, width, and height, students learn key terms and ways to describe a shape. You can use origami to determine the area by applying a formula to a real world structure.

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